Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mercury Retrograde

Just a reminder, Mercury is in Retrograde. Started around the 17 minus a few days and will not be over until May 11, plus a few days. I have computer problems and phone issues. Hope yours is a smooth one. I also hope you have backed up all your files.

April 27,2010

Dan and I want to send our best wishes to Bret Michaels for a fast recovery from all the medical problems he has recently gone through.

Quote for Today:

"You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As is your desire, So is your will.
As is your will, So is your deed.
As is your deed, So is your destiny."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Opinion on April 22, 2010

Well it is Earth Day!! Hum! After researching Global Warming over the past few years, I am not a fan. From what I have studied, Mother Nature has been left out of the equation all together. I do think and believe we should all do whatever we can not to make waste! However I believe those spreading some untruths about the Global Warming issue is more about politics than concern for our planet. If you just go back and look at the cycles in our weather patterns you will be amazed that the violent storms, glazier melts volcano eruptions, and earthquakes have been happening for centuries. I believe Gore and everyone else involved in this unnecessary hysteria, have already investigated these weather changing patterns and our doing what I call “phony pre- prophesy prediction.” It solidifies their speeches, as their hefty pay checks for those events have proved very lucrative.

A Spirutal View

It appears the Government is once again involved in a touchy situation. Billy Graham’s son was invited to speak at the Pentagon, but the outcry of protests want him out. Seems Franklin went over the line when he made comments he may have been better off keeping to himself.

“After the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Graham said Islam "is a very evil and wicked religion." In a later op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Graham wrote that he did not believe Muslims were evil because of their faith, but "as a minister ... I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching."

Franklin Graham, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, may or may not appear at the Pentagon on May 6 — the National Day of Prayer.

Why all the hoop la? Well it seems the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is raising a bunch of objections because of Graham’s previous remarks about Islam. Those remarks offended many Muslim employees at the Pentagon. And they further remarked “it could put our troops endanger with the Muslim extremists.”

This is so confusing on so many levels. First we have a Christian fundamentalist accepting to speak at a Government facility “The Pentagon” where Muslims have been employed by the American Government yet this Christian, doesn’t find it offensive when he makes such degrading remarks about the Islam beliefs after the 2001 attack.

To top off this mind feast of opinions, the wife of Christian leader James Dobson, stated "Enough is enough," "We at the National Day of Prayer Task Force ask the American people to defend the right to pray in the Pentagon." (So pray! Do you need an audience? Can’t go within?)

I guess it’s ok for the Fundamentalist to scream foul. But other beliefs need to step back on their opinions. Sorry Mrs. Dobson, you are but one belief and the hundreds of others are going to surface because this is the United States of America. We have the right to believe in anything we choose. Each religion or belief has its good and bad. I suggest you look into the good of the Islam belief.
As I would say that they should look into the Christian Belief. They would find something good there as well, I am sure.

Mike Weinstein is the president of the Religious Freedom Foundation and is the forerunner in objecting to Graham’s appearance at this event.

Weinstein objected to the working relationship between the Pentagon chaplain's office and the task force, saying the chaplains have effectively endorsed the task force by using its materials and routinely inviting its honorary chairman to speak at the Pentagon.

What is interesting in this is that it seems the Pentagon and the Grahams have had an ongoing relationship for years. What happened to Church and State separation? Seems the Pentagon chaplain’s office has been showing favoritism toward the Graham’s for years.

Graham is president and CEO of both Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian international relief organization in Boone, N.C. and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Charlotte.

"Enough is enough," said Dobson, wife of conservative Christian leader James Dobson. "We at the National Day of Prayer Task Force ask the American people to defend the right to pray in the Pentagon."

You are so right Ms. Dobson, enough is enough! You do not have to have a vehicle to pray in. Look inward and you may find the peace you want for so many others that have already found it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mother Nature

The weather here in Vegas has been so crazy. It has been in the 80’s for the past few days. The winds are gusting at 40 miles an hour and up. Yet tonight the temperature will fall into the low 50’s. A friend asked me if I thought this was global warming. I told her no! This is Mother Nature Spring cleaning her house. She has done this in the past and will continue until she is satisfied. I think she is on a roll, across the whole Universe. Maybe someone p@s#ed her off. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. Let’s hope the Volcano calms down, the aftershocks in California stop, and the weather mellows out.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daily Quote

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Dalai Lama

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Mya

Thought I would post a few pictures of Mya. She just had her birthday!!

This is best I can do!

Time for my nap!


Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon, and it affects us Cancers more than any other sign. Therefore we feel the energy most during full and new moons. So be prepared to work with these events. This month the new moon is on April 14, the full moon falls on April 28, and Mercury goes retrograde on April 18 until May 11. Remember to add a few days before and after. See below for tips about Mercury. All Cancers will be involved with some home and relationship issues. Try and address whatever you need to before Mercury goes retro. Try and get near some water which always soothes our moods.

April 18 -11

Mercury Retrograde means things like communications, machines, contracts, which can really get turned around, break down and if you sign a contract or purchase a big ticket item it might not be what you thought it would be, when you signed the contract, or purchased the item. I personally keep a low profile during Mercury's Retrograde. I don’t purchase anything, sign anything or plan anything connected with communication during this time either. I always back up all my files and keep an eye on my cell phone and computer. If you are going to misplace an electronic device it will most probably be during this time. Just stay in the present.