Physic Vampires. Spiritually speaking, this type of vampire concerns me much more than if actual blood sucking vampires are roaming our neighborhoods. My own personal experience has shown that for me they usually travel in groups. For those I have helped with these suckers they usually have only one or two that are feeding on the victims positive energy supply.
The question I was asked was how do we know if we are a victim? If you are in a relationship where the individual is negative about everything, never seem to have anything positive to say about anything in their life, complains, whines, yawns when in social situations or withdraws from any positive event to take a back seat or starts making suggestions that begin to try and draw the victim away from friends or family that you have been happy with than you might find yourself mirroring that negative behavior. A psychic vampire has only one concern, picking the right victim and making sure it’s all about the vampire’s needs. They play on the victim’s weakness and feed until all positive energy is drained. They will back off to let the victim replenish the energy supply then zoom back in. Sometimes they have more than one victim, but most of the time they really try and make the victim their person supply. This psychic vampire plays the helpless role, becomes dependent and works on the gullibility of their victim. Guilt is another sign. Without the victim being aware of what is happening this victim actually thinks they are helping them, but in the end they never do. Psychic Vampires will do anything and everything to convince the victim they are actually helping them but they go back to their negative behavior and leave the victim drained. From here it can get a whole lot worse. Some become emotion than physically abusive.
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