It is amazing that our ancient ancestors left us messages in different vehicles, regarding what the end of this cycle of our world as we know it, will mean for all us. So I will pass on the information I have researched, and offer a few of my own instinctive thoughts on the subject. Personally I believe that their prophesies were not left to scare us that the world would end, but given to let us know it is the way we individually and collectively deal with how we perceive how these changes affect our world. It won’t matter what religion you are, what belief system you are attached to or what path you are on. This shift has been in process since 1980, we are well into it. This is one event man cannot preach away or stop. We can only embrace this.
Personally I am looking forward to 12-22-2012, the day after. The shift will be complete, and most of our questions will be answered.
What has the Egyptians, Mayans, Hopi Indians, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Code, and Astrology, Planet alignment and finally, energy and the Sphinx all have in common? I will speak about all these in the upcoming weeks.
Until next time,
Love and Peace
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